Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Halal is an Arabic word which means lawful or permissible by Islamic laws.
Definition of Halal in accordance to Trade Descriptions ( Use of expression "halal" ) 1975 is as follows:
When used in relation to food in any form whatsoever in the course of trade or business as or as part of, a trade description applied to the food, the expression "Halal" , "Di-Tanggung Halal" or "Makanan Halal" or any other expression indicating or likely to be understood as indicating that Muslims are permitted by their religion to consume such food such expression shall heve the following meaning, that is to say the food in relation to which such expression or expressions are used:
  1. Neither is nor consist of or contains any part or matter of an animal that a Muslim is prohibited by Hukum Syarak to consume or that has not been slaughtered in accordance with Hukum Syarak.
  2. Does not contain anything which is considered to be impure according to Hukum Syarak.
  3. Has not been prepared, processed or manufactured using instrument that was not free from anything impure according to Hukum Syarak; and
  4. Has not in the course of preparation, processing or storage been in contact with or close proximity to any food that fails to satisfy paragraph (1) (2) or (3) or anything that is considered to be impure according to Hukum Syarak.

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